Business Results Made Visible: Design Proof Positive Level 4 Evaluations
According to an ROI Institute research study, the number one thing CEOs would most like to see from their learning and development investments is evidence of Level 4 business results. Yet according to the same study, only 8 percent of CEOs actually receive this type of information.
Why the disconnect? This session meets that question head on and provides you with new insights, tools, and guidelines needed to finally give CEOs what they want: evidence of a training program’s contribution to improved business outcomes.
In this session, you will:
• Discover which learning programs are ideally suited for conducting a Level 4 evaluation.
• Examine the two phases involved in conducting a Level 4 evaluation and the four guiding principles associated with each phase.
• Analyze three methods for isolating the effects of a learning program on business results and how to determine when to use each method.
Don't worry if you haven't attended the Level 1, 2, or 3 session in this series. A brief synopsis of those will be given at the beginning of this session.
About the presenter
Ken Phillips, CPLP
Ken is founder and CEO of Phillips Associates and the creator and chief architect of the Predictive Learning Analytics™ (PLA) learning evaluation methodology. He has more than thirty years of experience designing learning instruments and assessments and has authored more than a dozen published learning instruments.
Ken also regularly speaks to Association for Talent Development (ATD) groups, university classes and corporate learning and development departments. Since 2008, he has spoken at the ATD annual International Conference on topics related to the measurement and evaluation of learning. In addition, since 2013 he has spoken at Training Magazine’s annual conference and expo on topics related to measurement and evaluation of learning.
Prior to pursuing a Ph.D. in the combined fields of organization behavior and educational administration at Northwestern University, Ken held management positions with two colleges and two national corporations. In addition, he has written articles that have appeared in td magazine, Training Today and HR.com and is a contributing author to five books in the L&D field.
Ken earned the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) credential from ATD in 2006 as a pilot pioneer and was re-certified in 2009, 2012, 2015 and again in 2018.
8:00 - 8:15 am |
Registration and Networking
(Continental Breakfast Included)
8:15 - 8:30 am |
Announcements and introduction of Presenter
8:30 - 10:30 am |
Members |
Platinum Members
Cancellation Policy: Registrants may cancel and receive a full refund prior to two working days before a program. Registrants who cancel within the two-day period will be charged. No-shows will be charged.
Questions? Contact Betsy Rozelle at program@newatd.org.