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How Your Generation Shapes Your Views of the World

  • 08 Jun 2021
  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM


Registration is closed

Program Description

Join us for this broad look at how when you were born influences many aspects of your life, from the way you communicate, to why you join organizations and your view of workplaces. You will leave with a big picture view and a lot of resources if you want to dig deeper.

Meet the Presenter

Mandi Dornfeld is a Human Development and Relationships Educator for the UW-Madison Division of Extension Winnebago County. Over the course of her career she has worked with children, youth, families and communities. Her work focuses on mental health and resilience building across the life span. She believes deeply in a strength-based approach to engagement and education and works to create opportunities for authentic inclusion and belonging. In her personal life, she is in consistent pursuit of the perfect cup of coffee, great conversations and creating a life shaped by joy and balance. In complete transparency, she is much better at the first two than the last one. She lives in Little Chute with her husband and two daughters.  


8:15 - 8:30 am Log in to Zoom
8:30 - 10:00 am


10:00 - 10:30 am
Small group discussion & networking via Zoom breakout rooms





Platinum Members                     



Cancellation Policy: 
Registrants may cancel and receive a full refund prior to two working days before a program.  Registrants who cancel within the two-day period will be charged.  No-shows will be charged.

 Questions?  Contact Cristi Burrill at program@newatd.org. 

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